Grass Seed Or Weed > 온라인상담

Grass Seed Or Weed

페이지 정보

작성자 RogerTob 댓글 0건 조회 501회 작성일 24-04-01 14:17


Indoor growers usually transplant into larger pots or soil beds for 1-4 weeks of vegetative growth before transitioning to flower. A seed is a plant that s waiting for the right conditions to germinate and grow. For example, winter annuals like field horsetail and shepherd s purse germinate before any GDD accumulate in the spring; giant ragweed and common lambsquarters require fewer than 150 GDD and therefore emerge several weeks before corn planting; redroot pigweed, giant foxtail, and velvetleaf germinate at 150 300 GDD, close to corn planting time; whereas large crabgrass and fall panicum require over 350 GDD and usually emerge after the corn is up.  Source: [url=][/url]


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